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The /isorender command sits at the very core of Isometric Renders. It is your primary interface for launching all rendering operations and is also used to enter Unsafe Mode.

Single Render Operations

/isorender item

Render the given item, including NBT. If the item is omitted, render the player's current item instead


# render your current item
/isorender item 

# render a diamond
/isorender item minecraft:diamond 

# render an enchanted diamond sword
/isorender item minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"sharpness",lvl:10}]}

/isorender block

Render the given block, including NBT and block state data. If the block is omitted, render whichever block the player is currently looking at

The water in waterlogged block will not be visible in a block render. If you do want a render of that, simply do a single-block area render (as explained below) instead


# render the block you're looking at
/isorender block

# render cobblestone
/isorender block minecraft:cobblestone

# render a burning furnace with coal inside it
/isorender block minecraft:furnace[lit=true]{Items:[{Slot:0b, Count: 1b, id: "minecraft:coal"}]}

/isorender entity

Render the given entity, including NBT as an optional second argument. If the entity is omitted, render whichever entity the player is currently looking at


# render the entity you're looking at
/isorender entity

# render a blaze
/isorender entity minecraft:blaze

# render a baby zombie
/isorender entity minecraft:zombie {IsBaby:1b}

/isorender area

Render the area of the world between the two given block coordinate triples. If coordinates are omitted, render the current Area Selection instead.


# render the current area selection
/isorender area

# render the area between the given coodinate triples
/isorender area 3 63 -120 8 66 -123`

/isorender tooltip

Render the given item's tooltip, including NBT. If the item is omitted, render the tooltip of the player's current item instead


# render the tooltip of your current item
/isorender tooltip 

# render the tooltip of a netherite pickaxe enchanted with efficiency 5
/isorender tooltip minecraft:netherite_pickaxe{Enchantments:[{id:"efficiency",lvl:5}]}

Batch Render Operations

All batch render commands first select some set of items and end with a render task argument. This can be one of three things:

  • atlas, which renders an atlas (or overview if you will) of the item set
  • batch items, which renders each item in the set individually
  • batch blocks, which renders the corresponding block of each item in the set individually

/isorender creative_tab

Select all items from the given creative inventory tab


# render an atlas of all items in the brewing creative tab
/isorender creative_tab brewing atlas

# render each block in the redstone creative tab individually
/isorender creative_tab redstone batch blocks

/isorender tag

Select all items from the given item tag


# render an atlas of all iron ores
/isorender tag #minecraft:iron_ores atlas

# render each anvil state individually
/isorender tag #minecraft:anvil batch blocks

/isorender namespace

Select all items from the given namespace


# render an atlas of every single item in minecraft
/isorender namespace minecraft atlas

# render each block in minecraft individually
/isorender namespace minecraft batch blocks

Last update: 2024-04-27