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Using the option system for fun and profit

How and why

owo-config represents each option in your config as an instance of the Option class. You can obtain this internally used instance via the optionByKey(...) method on your wrapper by passing in the option's key. The returned object exposes a number of useful methods and properties of the option it represents.

In general, the options are a convenient way to handle the individual settings in a config programmatically. For actual usage in code it is usually preferable to use the methods generated on your wrapper, which internally delegate to their underlying options.

Commonly interesting methods


Returns the field which is internally used to serialize the option's value and for storing the actual value when the Option object is detached. You can use it for annotation lookups as well as general reflection, if by getting the field record component. Technically, this also allows bypassing constraint and detached state, however any changes made won't actually ever apply.


Returns the constraint placed on this option's value, or null if the option is unconstrained. The returned object contains both a formatted description of the constraint and the actual predicate which you can use for verifying values.


Registers a change callback which is invoked every time the value of this option actually changes - this means it won't be invoked if set(...) is called with a value for which the current value's equals(...) method returns true.

Last update: 2022-10-04