Adding Wiki Sources

The built-in Wiki (limelight:wiki) extension has support for custom wikis, defined via resource packs. Limelight addons can register custom wiki sources to add support for non-default types of wikis.

Let's add a wiki source for a hypothetical wiki that has an API like this:


HTTP 200
    ["Funny Page", ""]

public record FunnyWikiSource(String apiUrl) implements WikiSource {
    // (1)
    public static final Endec<FunnyWikiSource> ENDEC = StructEndecBuilder.of(
        Endec.STRING.fieldOf("api_url", FunnyWikiSource::apiUrl),

    public static final WikiSourceType<FunnyWikiSource> TYPE = new WikiSourceType<>(ENDEC);

    public static void init() {
        Registry.register(WikiSourceType.REGISTRY, Identifier.of("example-extension", "funny"), TYPE);

    public String createSearchUrl(String searchText) {
        // (2)
        return apiUrl + "/search?query=" + URLEncoder.encode(searchText, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    public void gatherEntriesFromSearch(String queryBody, String searchText, Consumer<EntryData> entryConsumer) {
        JsonArray json = JsonParser.parseString(queryBody).getAsJsonArray();

        for (var resultEl : json) {
            JsonArray result = resultEl.getAsJsonArray();

            entryConsumer.accept(new EntryData(result.get(0).getAsString(), result.get(1).getAsString()));

    public WikiSourceType<?> type() {
        return TYPE;
  1. This is an Endec, oωo's serialization system.
    If you prefer Codecs, you can use them too:

    public static final Codec<FunnyWikiSource> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(i ->
        ).apply(i, FunnyWikiSource::new)
    public static final WikiSourceType<FunnyWikiSource> TYPE = new WikiSourceType<>(CODEC);

  2. This method returns a URL that needs to be queried to find entries for this search text. If your wiki has a central search index, you can just always return that, since the retrieved contents will be cached.

After this source type is registered, you need to add your wiki1:

    "type": "example-extension:funny",
    "title": "Funny!",
    "bang_key": "funnywiki",
    "source": {
        "api_url": ""
    "language_overrides": {
        "en_pt": {
            "api_url": ""

This results in this output: a search box with 'fun' typed in it. Funny Page is the first result a search box with '!funnywiki fun' typed in it. Funny Page is the only result

  1. The wiki format is described in the Adding Wikis page 

Last update: 2024-08-30