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ItemStack Data Components

Below is the current set of available Data Components for ItemStacks that are supported with documentation about there function and format.

Attribute Format

Any ItemStack can have Attributes added onto such though the accessories:attributes item component with such being comprised of a list of attribute entries similar to Minecraft's default implementation. Below is an example of such:

    "modifiers": [
            "type": "minecraft:generic.attack_damage",
            "id": "example:increased_damage_boost",
            "amount": 1,
            "operation": "add_value",
            "slot_name": "hat",
            "is_stackable": false,
Usage Examples
"type" Refers to the attribute type to which should be adjusted with the given modifier data either registered or a slot attribute. "minecraft:generic.attack_damage", or "accessories:hat"
"id" The unique resource location to identify this modifier "example:damage_boost"
"amount" The Amount of change from the modifier 10
"operation" The type of calculation operation that should be performed out of the valid values. "add_value", "add_multiplied_base", "add_multiplied_total"
"slot_name" The slot to which must be equipped for the effect to apply or "any" if it's based on where it can and can't be equipped "any", "hat", "face"
"is_stackable" Indicates that if the given "id" passed should be appended with slot information to allow for additional copies of the attribute to function together as a compounding effect false

Slot Validation

Any ItemStack can define invalid or valid slots to which it can be equipped within the accessories:slot_validation item component allowing you to add the ability to equip such within a slot or override current equability for an existing accessory.

    "valid_slot": [
    "invalid_slot": [
Usage Examples
"valid_slots" A array of string values of valid slots that such stack can be equipped into when attempted "hat", "ring"
"invalid_slots" A array of string values of invalid slots that such stack can not be equipped into when attempted "back", "shoes"

Default Render Override

Any ItemStack can have a component called accessories:render_override that allows for an item to have its render use the default variant if desired as it's funny... that's it

Usage Examples
"default_render_override" A optional boolean value indicating if present that the default render should or should not be used true

Accessory Nest


Last update: 2024-06-27