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Most of owo-config's features are enabled via annotations. The ones which aren't covered in other articles already are outlined on this page.


This annotation applies to fields which are either a nested object or some sort of List<T> and makes them start expanded in the config screen.


This annotation applies to any field and declares that a callback registrar1 should be generated. Refer to this handy example:

@Config(name = "my-config", wrapperName = "MyConfig")
public class MyConfigModel {

    public int withoutHook = 0;

    public int withHook = 1;
public class MyConfig extends ConfigWrapper<MyConfigModel> {

    public int withoutHook() {...}
    public void withoutHook(int value) {...}

    public int withHook() {...}
    public void withHook(int value) {...}
    public subscribeToWithHook(Consumer<Integer> subscriber) {...}


This annotation applies to any field and simply hides it from the config screen - this is useful if the option is either internal or has no support in the config screen and you want to suppress the warning.


This annotation applies to any field and declares that the option it represents only actually applies after a restart of the game. The config screen indicates this and the player is explicitly notified when they close the screen.

The annotation also has a secondary effect when combined with @Sync(Option.SyncMode.OVERRIDE_CLIENT). Because an option which only applies after restart cannot be dynamically overridden by the server, owo-config will not allow players to connect if their client's value does not match the server.

config mismatch example

  1. Yes, this is a word 

Last update: 1 year ago2023-06-23