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Item Groups

This guide is only applicable for Minecraft versions 1.19.3 and onwards. There were significant changes to the item group system which mandated changes in owo's approach to stay compatible.

Creating a basic owo item group is easy - begin by calling OwoItemGroup.builder(...) and supply it with:

  • The identifier to register your group with
  • A function that creates the icon of your group - this is called at a later stage during the initialization process and should use one of the Icon.of(...) overloads
public static final OwoItemGroup GROUP = OwoItemGroup
    .builder(new Identifier("mod-id", "item_group"), () -> Icon.of(Mod.ITEM))
    // additional builder configuration goes between these lines

Adding tabs

In order to add a tab to your item group, extend your group builder configuration with the intializer(...) method. Inside it, call group.addTab(...) - this accepts four parameters:

Parameter Description
icon The icon of this tab. Look at the different methods available on the Icon class, as this supports more than just items
name The name of this tab, used for the translation key
contentTag The item tag used for populating the content of this tab. If you wish to populate your tabs in code using, this may be null
primary If this is true, the tab's name is displayed as-is, otherwise the name of the item group itself gets prepended
About custom tabs

If you want or need more precise control over how the tab is populated, you can use the group.addCustomTab(...) function instead. Instead of a tag, it takes a ContentSupplier function that is called and provided the ItemGroup.Entries to append to when the creative inventory is initialized

Adding buttons

Buttons work in much the same way as tabs, except that they usually require fewer parameters. Given that most of the time you would want to link to some external resource, and the related methods like ItemGroupButton.modrinth(...) should be of interest. You can then pass this button directly into the group.addButton(...) method.

If you want your button to execute a custom action, simply call the constructor directly. It accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Description
group The item group the button belongs to, usually just group
icon The icon of this button, this works identically as it does for tabs
name The name of this button, used for the translation key
action The action to run when this button is pressed

Configuring the Item Group further

Using a custom texture

In order to change the texture used to render your item group, insert customTexture(...) with the ID of the texture you want to use. This texture needs to follow a specific format in order to look correct, for this you can use the template included in the testmod.

Configuring stacking height

The buttons to either side of your item group (that is, tabs on the left and buttons on the right), usually arrange themselves to stack up to a height of 4. Depending on how many tabs or buttons you have, it may make sense to change this. To do so, insert either tabStackHeight(...) or buttonStackHeight(...).

Making the title static

You can insert disableDynamicTitle() to force the title of your item group to be static, instead of changing with the tab that is selected.

Initializing the group

After all your items have been registered, it is very important that you call the initialize() method on your item group. This will run setup and create the group icon, both of which can cause trouble if executed earlier.

Using custom stack generators

When using OwoItemSettings instead of the vanilla Item.Settings to configure your item's tabs, you may have noticed the stackGenerator(...) setter. Using this, you can change the function which appends your item to the item group. The default function will just call getDefaultStack() on your item, which may not always be sufficient. Particularly if you want variations of your item with different NBT data, changing this may prove useful

Last update: 2023-01-29